
Just For Your Luscious Lashes


Every woman knows long eyelashes add some extra beauty to her face and to make her eye lashes beautiful women adopts different methods. Stores usually offers artificial products that can be harmful to eyes. Homemade remedies are the best way to enhance the beauty of your eyelashes as they do not have any side effects.

Here are some tips:

Always remove your eye makeup gently with good makeup remover.

 Select Cleansing milk that has skin friendly ingredients particularly best for your skin type.

Never go to bed without removing eye makeup especially mascara.

Apply olive oil with the help of your finger tip on your lashes to make them grow faster.

Castor oil is another option that helps eyelashes to look thick and long.

Put used and cooled green tea bags on your eyes for good 5 to 8 minutes . Green tea helps in the growth of eyelashes.

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